AEP Texas employees Brandon Poyner, Felicia Avila, Ross Cook, and Shawn Castillo spoke about their careers during the Concho Valley SPARK event in San Angelo on February 26 to thousands of high school students.
The Concho Valley Strengthening Professional Abilities and Real World Knowledge (SPARK) event is a new career fair designed to educate and inspire students across the region. Approximately 2,000 high school juniors and seniors from the Concho Valley attended.
Aside from sharing what he does daily, Poyner, an engineering technician, demonstrated how to use a Trimble, which is an essential tool for design work.
Avila, a Distribution Planning engineer, told students what it takes to earn an engineering degree, meanwhile, Cook and Castillo, a line crew leader and a service mechanic, showed students the skillful side of the business and talked about the opportunities available to become a lineworker.